Sunday, May 31, 2009
Eating Local - What's for Dinner, May 31 2009
I cut the green tops off the onions, and set them aside for future use. I then sliced each onion bulb in half. Next, I heated some olive oil in my large non-stick skillet, and added two cloves of garlic, sliced, from my stash. I tossed in the onions, then added the emu steaks. The thinly sliced meat cooked fairly quickly, even though it was still partially frozen. When the meat had lost most of its reddish tinge, I added the asparagus, which I had sliced on the diagonal into one inch pieces. After stirring it all around, I put on the lid and let it cook until the asparagus were tender. I finished it off with some balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.
Sorry, no pic of tonight's meal; I was too hungry! But Greg made lots of mmmm noises as he ate, and said the dish was "awesome". We will definitely be buying more emu!
It's Farmers Market Day!
In addition to us, returning vendors included:
Tomatoes, Etc., Westminser, MD – Produce and plants
De La Tierra Gardens, Taneytown MD ( – Certified organic produce, plants, and beautiful cut flowers
Nev-R-Dun Farms, Westminster, MD ( – Certified organic produce and plants
Orchard Country Produce, Gardners, PA ( – Fruits, vegetables, baked goods, jams, jellies, dog treats
Groff’s Content Farm, Rocky Ridge, MD ( – Organic grass-fed beef and lamb; natural free-range chicken and eggs; pasture raised pork
New vendors at the market yesterday included:
The Farmer’s Daughter – Whole wheat bread and yummy cinnamon rolls
For the Birds – Organic, free-trade coffee
Carlhaven Emu Farm, Westminster, MD ( – locally raised emu meat and emu oil skin care products
In future weeks, a cheesemaker (Hawk’s Hill Creamery, Street MD and another farmer selling pasture raised meats (Evermore Farm, Westminster MD are expected to join the market, along with the return of Sharon’s Baked Goods (cookies, muffins and cakes). The market is open every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to noon, and is located in the Conaway municipal parking lot on Railroad Avenue (Rt 27), 2 blocks north of Main Street.
More pictures from Opening Day are on the Thorne Farm Facebook page at Sign-up to be fan of Thorne Farm while you’re there!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Eating Local - What's for Dinner, May 25 2009
Here’s the menu:
Asparagus Frittata - our own eggs and asparagus from Orchard Country Produce (
Oven Roasted Potatoes with Pesto - potatoes also from Orchard Country Produce with fresh pesto made with our own basil and garlic. You may ask "Pesto at this time of year?" Well, it helps to have a greenhouse full of basil plants in need of pinching back. I was able to harvest enough tops to make a double batch. The garlic was stored from last year’s harvest.
Mixed Green Salad with Radishes and Spring Onions – lettuce, spinach and green onions from White Rose Farm ( and radishes from Nev-R-Dun Farm (
Limeade with local honey and homegrown mint
The non-local ingredients were olive oil, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, vinegar (but I’m working on that one), salt, pepper and of course limes. If you want to recreate this meal, all of the local ingredients will be available at the Downtown Westminster Farmers market (, which opens this coming Saturday, May 30.
Now, off to wash the dishes…
New Arrivals

It all started with some dog toys that our foxhound, Larceny, was not interested in. Larceny was raised in a working kennel belonging to the Carrollton Hounds hunt club, and apparently had never learned how to play. Treats, yes; toys, no. Over the years we had accumulated a number of toys that she totally ignores. We thought we would see if the local humane society would accept them as a donation for use in their shelter.
While I was checking out the hours that the humane society was open, I also took a look at the stray and adoptable animals, which I do from time to time. There were three things that caught my interest – a rooster, a goat and yes, a dog, an Australian Cattle Dog mix. The rooster was up for adoption; the goat was a stray and would be coming up for adoption soon. I proposed to Greg that we take a run up to the humane society to donate the toys and check out the rooster and goat, and oh yes, while we’re there we might as well look at this dog. (Some background -- we had an Australian Cattle Dog for many years, who passed away a few years ago. Jacko was an outdoor dog who took his job of guarding the farmyard very seriously. He was definitely Greg’s dog; I could always tell what Greg was doing by looking at Jacko. He would be totally focused on whatever area of the farm Greg was working on. Even though Greg said one dog was all that would fit into our small house, I knew that he missed Jacko.)
So off to the Carroll County Humane Society we go one Saturday morning. We just missed the rooster; he had been adopted out right before we got there. The goat was still there, but one of the staff was thinking about taking her. All that was left was to look at the dogs. Chloe, who turned out to be an Australian Shepherd/Australian Cattle Dog mix, was lying quietly in her pen with her head on her paws. Unlike the other dogs that were barking and bouncing off the walls because of the visitors, no amount of coaxing could get Chloe to stand up and come to the gate. Hmmm, we thought, there must be something wrong with this dog. But the staff assured us she was very lively and loved to play fetch. It was time to get up close and personal.
They brought Chloe to meet us in the "Get to Know You" room. Chloe immediately found a ball and was ready for a game of fetch. She was eager to be petted and played with, and went right over and sat on Greg’s feet. Greg says it was love at first sight. There was just one hurdle; what would Larceny think? So home we go, to get Larceny and bring her to the humane society to meet Chloe. All four of us got together in the "Get to Know You" room, where the dogs pretty much ignored each other. Larceny wanted to eat treats and have everyone pet her, while Chloe just wanted someone to throw her a ball.
We also found out that Chloe had just come in to the shelter the previous day. I must h
Oh yes, the humane society called the following Monday and said we could have the goat. So we have added Clover, a little pygmy goat to our menagerie. We’re still working on the rooster.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Greenhouse Update
Our big plant-selling event each year is the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival on the first weekend in May. Our sales during that single weekend generally equal our entire farmers’ market season. We have repeat customers that have been buying plants from us for eight or nine years. We usually bring four truckloads of plants to the Festival; this year we only took two and for the first time did not have any peppers or basil. Add to that a damp weekend (off and on showers on Saturday and steady rain for most of the day Sunday) and it seemed to be a recipe for disaster.
In the end, although our sales were down, things could have been worse. The threat of rain on Saturday did not hold back the crowd at all; I heard that at one point they even had to close the parking lot of the Howard County Fairgrounds because it was full! We sold just about every plant we took to the Festival and came home with a total of four trays of plants. Sunday sales were slow, but that could have been because there really wasn’t much left by then as much as because of the weather.
Now that we’ve had a couple more weeks of warm weather, the peppers are finally looking great! The second planting of basil is coming along, and we’ve transplanted more tomatoes. We’ll be taking a truckload of plants to the 2nd Annual Maryland Heartland Sustainable Living Fair next weekend, Saturday, May 23 2009 from 9 am - 5 pm at the Carroll County Farm Museum in Westminster, Maryland ( Come join us if you are in the market for some sustainably grown plants for your garden!
2009 Lambing Season
Once shearing is over, we sit back and await the arrival of the first lambs. The ewes are penned up in the barn each night, which makes checking for signs of labor much easi
Then we waited, and waited, and waited for the last two ewes to lamb – our two white ewes, "Dizzy Lizzy" and "White Louise". At the 4:30 am barn check on the morning of April 18, Greg reported that Dizzy was acting, umm, dizzy – off her feed and restless, all signs of early labor. There was a little mucousy discharge, but she never really seemed to get down to pushing. We monitored her throughout the day (I spent a couple of hours just sitting with her and watching) and eventually decided that something was not right. Time for my best James Herriot impression. What I found was a large set of tangled triplets. I pulled the first one, a white ewe lamb presented with a head and one foot forward, without too much difficulty. The second unfortunately was born dead – breech birth and stuck like a cork in a bottle. The third was presented with the head back, our least favorite presentation. By that time, I was too worn out to pull any more (imagine how Dizzy must have felt!) so Greg took over once I got the front feet out. Somehow, with a lot of heaving and ho-ing, we safely delivered a black ram lamb. When we finally got Dizzy and her two lambs tucked into their lambing pen, we realized it had been a while since we had seen White Louise. Finally located her – she had gone off to another barn all by herself and delivered a set of twin white ewe lambs!
Now the oldest lambs are just over two months old and the youngest will be a month old tomorrow. All are growing by leaps and bounds, and we are glad to have another lambing season behind us!
Makin' Do With What You Got
In order to have the down payment and closing costs for the new farm, it was necessary to sell the existing place. We knew that would be challenge in the current economy, but approached it with the attitude that if it was meant to happen, it would happen. Well apparently, it was not meant to happen. After five months on the market with only a handful of showings, we have decided to make do with what we’ve got and have taken it back off the market.
There are actually a lot of pluses to staying here – I love my cozy little house and the way it nestles into the woods. We have lots of shade in the summer, and lots of windows that open to let in the breeze that is nature’s air conditioning. In spring, I wake to the sound of bird song, and in high summer I am lulled to sleep by the buzz of cicadas. The mortgage will be paid off in a few years, so retiring at age 55 to farm full time is not out the question. (A new 30-year mortgage would definitely have ruled that out!)
Greg is considering renting some ground from a neighbor to allow us to expand the garden and maybe make room for that second greenhouse. And instead of getting a bigger house, we’ll take a serious look at all of the stuff that fills this one (starting with everything we crammed into the two storage pods out back in order to de-clutter the house and make it presentable for showing)!
So here’s to making do with what you’ve got,