Make Do With What You Got is the title of a song and album by Solomon Burke, which my husband Greg got for Christmas this year. As many of you know, in January we found a larger farm that we could actually afford, just a little north of our current 4 ½ acre place. More acreage would have allowed us to do some of things we’ve wanted to do for a while – permanent beds for asparagus and strawberries, a second greenhouse, more sheep – but just didn’t have room for. A larger house wouldn’t have been bad either, especially one with some of the amenities we are lacking – a second bathroom, dishwasher and air conditioning.
In order to have the down payment and closing costs for the new farm, it was necessary to sell the existing place. We knew that would be challenge in the current economy, but approached it with the attitude that if it was meant to happen, it would happen. Well apparently, it was not meant to happen. After five months on the market with only a handful of showings, we have decided to make do with what we’ve got and have taken it back off the market.
There are actually a lot of pluses to staying here – I love my cozy little house and the way it nestles into the woods. We have lots of shade in the summer, and lots of windows that open to let in the breeze that is nature’s air conditioning. In spring, I wake to the sound of bird song, and in high summer I am lulled to sleep by the buzz of cicadas. The mortgage will be paid off in a few years, so retiring at age 55 to farm full time is not out the question. (A new 30-year mortgage would definitely have ruled that out!)
Greg is considering renting some ground from a neighbor to allow us to expand the garden and maybe make room for that second greenhouse. And instead of getting a bigger house, we’ll take a serious look at all of the stuff that fills this one (starting with everything we crammed into the two storage pods out back in order to de-clutter the house and make it presentable for showing)!
So here’s to making do with what you’ve got,
USDA Prioritizes Economic Relief for Commodity Farmers
The USDA announced today it would roll out economic relief payments to
commodity farmers starting tomorrow, two days ahead of the deadline set by
6 hours ago
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